About Brand Energy Digital
All businesses need to embrace the power of digital marketing. However, when deciding to take that big step, most business owners will realize that the digital marketing realm is a lot more complex than they had originally anticipated. There are challenges in every direction that you turn, from social media marketing and paid advertising to online reputation management and search engine optimization.
What complicates the online landscape even further is the fact that the expectations, requirements, Google algorithms, and best practice guidelines are continually evolving. There is no such thing as mastering the art of digital marketing. Instead, it is a constant learning process that requires plenty of time, dedication, focus, and energy. It is because of this that many business owners opt to turn to digital marketing consultants for assistance.
Below, we highlight the definition of digital marketing consulting, why it is so essential to the effective operation of a business, and how Brand Energy Digital has created a unique Digital Marketing Strategy Blueprint that makes it easier for companies to start seeing results faster.
What is digital marketing consulting?
Digital marketing consulting refers to a digital marketing consultant’s process of working closely with a business owner or with a marketing team of a large corporation to assist in leveraging the various digital marketing opportunities out there.
The process involves the consultant spending consulting hours getting to know how the business operates, who its target market is, the buyers’ personas , competitors’ insight, and how the team has been using digital marketing to their advantage so far. With this knowledge, the consultant will find gaps in the company’s business strategy and evaluate why the approach has failed to yield the anticipated results. He or she will make recommendations in terms of how best to tweak the company’s digital marketing strategy and stick around to ensure that the new plan is accurately implemented.
Why is digital marketing consulting so important?
It can prove extremely difficult for a business to analyze and audit its own digital marketing efforts and results. It is challenging because the team members will be looking at the data from a subjective point of view, which means that they might miss or overlook significant flaws or exclusions. When a digital marketing consultant gets involved, he or she will examine the data with a fresh set of objective eyes. This, in combination with industry know-how, means that company’s strategy can be accurately altered to ensure improvements based on previously defined objectives.
Digital marketing is also vital from a cost-perspective. While the initial cost involved in hiring a digital marketing consultancy or a consultant might seem like a lot, the cost involved in continuing to make errors in your digital marketing approach is sure to be far higher. You save time when you decide to hire a digital marketing consultant because he or she will help you to solve problems faster, and the first time around.
Why choose Brand Energy Digital as your digital marketing specialist or consultant?
Our digital marketing services will assist you in boosting your business by leveraging a host of digital tools and technologies. We are excited to provide you with a tried and tested digital marketing strategy framework, making it easier for your organization to comprehend digital disruption and over-take your competition.
Our digital marketing consulting specialists help businesses big and small with strategizing, implementing, running, and maintaining a successful digital marketing strategy. We achieve this goal by focusing our attention on four main areas:
- Lead generation/customer acquisition strategy
- Maximizing brand awareness through strategic online reputation management
- Retaining existing clients by actively nurturing relationships
- Creating a thorough market penetration and market development strategy

Introducing our Digital Marketing Strategy Blueprint
We have put this blueprint to the test time and time again, and it has never failed to help a company generate the results that it deserves. Do not confuse our blueprint solution with a ‘one size fits all’ approach to digital marketing. It’s a framework that is carefully tweaked and tailored to suit each one of our clients. When you choose us as your digital marketing consultants, our Marketing Consulting and Transformation teams will start by identifying gaps in terms of what you are currently doing to achieve your goals, and what you should be doing in the near future. This knowledge helps our team of digital marketing consultants plan the strategy , process and technology roadmaps that will guide you to higher levels of success.
So, how exactly does the Digital Marketing Strategy Blueprint work? What is it comprised of? The Brand Energy Digital DMSB covers seven essential areas for optimized digital marketing victory. These areas include SMART goal setting, buyers’ personas, content mapping, competitive analysis, conversion paths, tactics, and reporting:
- SMART goal setting: You cannot accomplish your goals if you do not know precisely what they are. SMART goal setting revolves around setting specific, realistic goals and ensuring that your progress relating to those goals is accurately measurable. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Start by asking yourself exactly what it is that you want to achieve and by when you want to achieve it. Be honest with yourself about whether it is within your power to accomplish this goal in the time frame provided. Finally, investigate how you will know when you have accomplished the goal – in other words, how will you measure your progress.
- Buyers’ personas: You will have heard the golden rule of advertising a million times by now – know your target audience. However, this knowledge should extend beyond an understanding of which demographics are buying from you, and when. Many marketing experts suggest taking the time to create specific buyers’ personas. These personas should reflect the different types of people who are buying your products or using your services. Essentially, you will be creating replicas of real people, taking into consideration who they are, what their buying behaviors look like, the perceived barriers & challenges that they face each day, and how they make decisions. Our DMSB will review any existing personas that you may have and provide suggestions on how you can further expand on them.
- Content mapping: Once we have a good general idea of your target market, we will also have a general idea of what type of content will appeal to them, and to which content they will most relate. The content mapping process will cover all aspects of content marketing, Content themes, content calendar including what content should be produced and when, as well as where it should be uploaded (on your website, your social media pages, a third-party publishing site, etc.). Content mapping and the buyer’s journey also often go hand in hand. This is because people in the Awareness stage of the journey will be looking to consume different content to those who are in the Decision-making stage.
- Competitive analysis: Our team will uncover who your organization’s most prominent competitors are. From there, they will look into how those companies’ digital marketing efforts are faring and how they compare to your own. We will research their current paid and organic keywords, their sales and marketing strategies, and how much they are spending on marketing budget per month. All of this knowledge will go a long way towards empowering us to take your organization’s strategy one step above, therefore maintaining ‘the edge’.
- Conversion paths: A conversion path refers to what happens in between the time that a customer discovers your business and when they finally make a conversion. By understanding and influencing the various conversion paths, we can optimize how potential clients and customers travel through the buyer’s journey and help them transition into clients faster.
- Customized tactics: Following a comprehensive audit of your organization’s existing digital marketing tactics, we will provide you with detailed feedback on what is currently working and what is not and how to improve. We will take the time to construct and recommend new tactics and a holistic approach to generating leads and improving results based on your company, your competition, and your industry.
- Reporting: There is no point in putting all of this effort into optimizing your digital marketing efforts if there is no way to measure how well they are working. Analytics reporting is, therefore, an essential component of our Digital Marketing Strategy Blueprint. We will aid you in putting well-defined KPIs and metrics in place and assist you in gathering the right data to effectively gauge your results.

Is Brand Energy Digital the right digital marketing consultancy for you?
Here at Brand Energy Digital, we tend to provide our services to three main types of clients. We highlight these clients below and explain, in detail, how our digital marketing consultants help them to improve upon their strategies.
1. Clients who have a team of talented in-house marketers, but their digital marketing strategy is not up to scratch.
We are approached by these types of clients very frequently. They have in-house marketers who spend their time working on and implementing various campaigns. However, the results generated are underwhelming and do not accomplish the company’s goals. The owners of the business are looking for a helping hand to identify where the digital marketing strategy is falling short. With the help of our Digital Marketing Strategy Blueprint, we manage to get the in-house team moving in the right direction and review the improvements every three months after that, tweaking as the industry and consumer demands change and evolve.
2. Clients who need help with strategy and need to up-skill their team
These clients already have an in-house team of marketers, but most individuals need to learn more about how best to leverage digital marketing tools and technologies. In this scenario, we use the DMSB to start generating results and handle most of the implementation ourselves. That is, until the in-house team is ready to take over. We make sure the marketing results stay on track, and you can leverage our team of experts for the complicated things that you can’t or don’t want to handle in-house.
3. Clients who do not have the required time or resources, but still want the results
These clients require a full-service digital consulting solution and also make use of our menu of digital marketing services. We create a workable, bespoke strategy for them and take care of all aspects of its implementation on a continuous basis. For many companies, it is more efficient from both a time and cost perspective to simply outsource their digital marketing than to keep it in-house.
Does all of this sound intriguing? Are you interested in learning more about digital marketing consulting? Perhaps you want to work with the best digital marketing consulting agency headquartered in Toronto to accomplish your business goals? Then it is time to get in touch with the Brand Energy Digital team!
We look forward to assisting you in overcoming your organization’s unique challenges and, therefore, seeing a vast improvement in your digital marketing success!
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- In Digital marketing business since 2008
- With thousands of successful marketing solutions for client’s world wide
- More than 50 years of collective experience in digital marketing
- Multi-channel experiences by Creating customer centric campaigns